The Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft biosphere reserve and its administration have been advised and supported by the biosphere reserve board since its founding in 1998.
The board’s membership includes the mayors of the 12 municipalities of the biosphere reserve, with decision-making power, and representatives of the public interests in the region, as advisory members. The board meets at least twice annually, and additionally as needed. These sessions are used to exchange information on and discuss activities in the biosphere reserve.
Over the past year, it has been possible to arrive at an appropriate synthesis of protection and development initiatives. In particular, we can highlight the following examples: development of tourist infrastructure, in which the biosphere reserve administration played a key role as initiator and actor, the activities of the biosphere administration in the ‘leader’ process and the many proposals generated by the various conceptions initiated in the biosphere reserve.
Cooperation between the board and the administration is tailored to the goals and the criteria for recognition and inspection of UNESCO biosphere reserves in Germany, and in any case must be maintained and further developed in its practical form.
The biosphere reserve board was officially created on 21 September 1998 by virtue of section 11 of the Biosphere Reserve Ordinance (Verordnung des Biosphärenreservates) which states, among other things, that the biosphere reserve administration shall be provided with expert support from an advisory board, and in recognition of the fact that the level of integrated sustainable development for which the biosphere reserve strives will only be possible and successful with the cooperation of the community and regional managers with the public.