Press and Documentation
Here, you can download Biosphere Reserve Press Information in PDF form in the right sidebar. For additional information, literature and data collections are available on topics related to the biosphere reserve and the Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft.
Plans and Concepts
• Biosphere Reserve Plan (order)
Planning Tools
• Fish ladder design based on the water gage in the Kleine Spree river in Lippitsch (pdf)
• Recommended plants for native trees and shrubs (pdf)
• Planning tools for otter-friendly designs for bridges and conduits (pdf)
Data collections
• Weather data from the biosphere reserve area (on request)
• Survival data on selected plant and animal species (on request)
• Incidence of red-list species in the biosphere reserve (pdf)
• Overview of biotope complexes in the biosphere reserve (pdf)
• Summary of projects at the Oberlausitzer Heide- und Teichlandschaft biosphere reserve (pdf)